Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Training for the Real World
Okay last night we set out to train for what if. The what if of last night was, "What if some one was in the house?" Alan went through and instructed Stacy on the different room clearing skills and also we drilled on sight picture and sight alignment to commit it to muscle memory. All the drills went well and we both were able to practice our fundimentals and become even more confident in our abilities to find a target and to eliminate the threat. It was good to be able to train together and to learn even more about each other and have a little fun all at the same time.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Day on the lake
Okay so yesterday we were able to spend a good day with some of Alan's Dad's friends. We started out the day by having breakfast and sharing stories in the park. The highlight of the day came next when we made our way to Lucky Peak Lake for a day on the water. We enjoyed being able to water ski, wakeboard, and tube. Alan tried wakeboarding and was able to get up and ride it after his first couple of trys. He was able to ride for a little while and had fun doing so until his arms were tired. Stacy also decide to try to wakeboard. She was so close to riding it. She got up but just as she was up and starting to turn to ride, she would lean too far forward and fall back in. She did good for here first attempt. Stacy also rode on the tube for a while until she was bucked off after getting 10 feet of air and holding on for more. When we get the pictures for all this we will be sure to post them.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Let the Training Begin!!!!
Okay so it has begun. We are doing P90X full time and for real now. In addition to that we are also starting to do a little MMA training on our our. We now have gloves for each of us and a free standing punching bag. It is a great way for us to become stronger and more well rounded in our workouts. We will have pictures of all this soon if we can find where our camera went to. We also take a little bit of time every day to do some ground grappling and work on our different submission skills. We are hoping that we will be able to become fit and strong and confident in our MMA skill so that we can find a local gym in the not to distant future and start to really improve and become good and talented fighters. Neither of us want to do it for more than a hobby or workout and self-defence but it is still fun and good to learn and become good at it. So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for us just put it in a comment and we will look at it and see what we can do with it. Also on a side note we are going to be looking into getting our CCW licenses soon and will be doing so more training with that as well. So if you have anything to suggest with that let us know in a comment.
We need people to come and visit us here in Boise because it really is a really great place and more people need to experience it and see what we are talking about. We would be happy to take a day and show you around or go play on the water in the mountains or just relax. So if anyone want to come visit or is planning to come visit let us know before hand and we can try to plan something and get together.
We need people to come and visit us here in Boise because it really is a really great place and more people need to experience it and see what we are talking about. We would be happy to take a day and show you around or go play on the water in the mountains or just relax. So if anyone want to come visit or is planning to come visit let us know before hand and we can try to plan something and get together.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Well Then....
Okay so we will start off by saying that we will post more. The last couple of weeks have been real eventful. We were given the chance to spend other peoples money. How nice is that?! We started off the day by going to a media store and were given 50 dollars each to spend how we wanted. We spent 75 on five videos and a game and put the other 25 on a gift card. Can't complain about that one bit. A few hours later we went downtown to a local skate shop and once again given 50 buck each. We had a custom skate board built for us that only cost us 70 cents of our own money. Again, can't complain about that. That night we all met up at Veterans park and we were treated to a BBQ that was catered by Goodwood BBQ. Free toys and free pulled pork! Now no one could complain. It was a very nice day and all together Stacy's company put just over 110,000 dollars into the local economy. So that was pretty nice too.
As I said we built a custom skate board. Well now we are teaching ourselves how to do a little bit of boarding. Stacy has fallen twice but nothing to bad that she wanted to stop. Alan has been lucky to not have fallen yet. So I would say that we are doing rather well all in all. We can ride around rather well and can stop and turn without difficulty. Some of the time we get a little shaky if there is a bunch of stuff on the ground or over larger cracks in the sidewalk but not doing to bad. We are starting to learn how to do and ollie but we are starting in the grass til we are able to get it down to where we can just do it and then we will move onto the cement.
We are planning on going and floating the Boise River in a week or two down the road. We are planning on getting some good big tubes and just going to go have some fun on the river one day so we can enjoy the cool water and the great outdoors and the nice warm sunshine all in one. We will try to have pictures so that everyone can see the beautiful river and area so that everyone wants to come and visit and play on the river with us. We are also planning on going shooting again in the near future. Alan needs to sight in his new rifle scope and try out all the upgrades that he has made to his rifle.
Stacy has applied to Boise State and is waiting to get her transcript from SUU so she can get accepted and see what kind of classes she needs and wants to take. She is going to decide what degree and what field of study she is going to go into soon as well. She is hoping that she will start in the spring of 2010. It would be a very short and easy commute to school because we live only five minutes form campous.
Well that is about all that we can think of to write and update on for now. We will have more pictures and videos coming up in the future about our different adventures and interests.
As I said we built a custom skate board. Well now we are teaching ourselves how to do a little bit of boarding. Stacy has fallen twice but nothing to bad that she wanted to stop. Alan has been lucky to not have fallen yet. So I would say that we are doing rather well all in all. We can ride around rather well and can stop and turn without difficulty. Some of the time we get a little shaky if there is a bunch of stuff on the ground or over larger cracks in the sidewalk but not doing to bad. We are starting to learn how to do and ollie but we are starting in the grass til we are able to get it down to where we can just do it and then we will move onto the cement.
We are planning on going and floating the Boise River in a week or two down the road. We are planning on getting some good big tubes and just going to go have some fun on the river one day so we can enjoy the cool water and the great outdoors and the nice warm sunshine all in one. We will try to have pictures so that everyone can see the beautiful river and area so that everyone wants to come and visit and play on the river with us. We are also planning on going shooting again in the near future. Alan needs to sight in his new rifle scope and try out all the upgrades that he has made to his rifle.
Stacy has applied to Boise State and is waiting to get her transcript from SUU so she can get accepted and see what kind of classes she needs and wants to take. She is going to decide what degree and what field of study she is going to go into soon as well. She is hoping that she will start in the spring of 2010. It would be a very short and easy commute to school because we live only five minutes form campous.
Well that is about all that we can think of to write and update on for now. We will have more pictures and videos coming up in the future about our different adventures and interests.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Long Time No See
Okay so its been a really long while since we have posted anything. Sorry. We will be able to update a little more frequently but not regularly yet. Still working on getting the internet going in our house so we have to steal it. Will have more soon.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Time to READ
So we are starting to think that we don't have as many people reading this as we thought but thats just fine. As we said in our last post we are completely moved into our new arartment. Our address is 3905 Alpine St. in Boise. We are so much more at home and happier here than we thought we would be and we have only been here for two days. Still no pictures but they are soon to come.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Move Along
Hello everyone!
Just a quick post to let everyone know that we are officially moved over to the new apartment. We did it in 2 and a half days by ourselves and we are exhausted but very happy:)
Anyway, this is very short and lame but that's all I have time or energy to write at the time being. I will be posting pictures soon of my new hair cut and color and of the new place.
That's all for now!
Just a quick post to let everyone know that we are officially moved over to the new apartment. We did it in 2 and a half days by ourselves and we are exhausted but very happy:)
Anyway, this is very short and lame but that's all I have time or energy to write at the time being. I will be posting pictures soon of my new hair cut and color and of the new place.
That's all for now!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What a couple of weeks!
Lets start with a couple of gooooood jokes.

Okay now down to the matter at hand.

Okay so its been a little while since our last update so here it goes. We have been so busy doing everything that we can. Last weekend we went to one of Boise's many b-e-a-utiful parks and took diesel for a walk and to chase the ducks and geese. We got there and saw all the little baby geese and just had to watch them and get real close. They are just so cute and fuzzy and you just want to grab it and snuggle it right up. (But stay away from MOM)

This week Alan has been playing with a Snorkelift Boom at work. It is a boom that extends out to fifty feet and is just too much fun to be driving around on. He used it to clean out the rain gutters at the apartments and also patch holes in the roof and holes in the eaves from birds nesting and squirals getting in and trying to live and eat through wires and right into some homes. Its quite a view looking over the city of trees from that high up.

And in other news, our little lap dog is no longer a little lap dog or ferret size like he thinks that he is. He is now five months old and 20 plus pounds! He is not the same kind of dog that we were told he is. We think that a larger dog (maybe a lab or such) got into the mix and has turned him into a good looking medium sized dog. We are excited to see just how large he will get by the time he is full grown. We also think that some type of gremlin or ewak is in there because he can be a little monster and looks the part some times.

Okay now down to the matter at hand.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
The New Lowdown on the New Skinny
Okay so it is now official. We will be moving the the apartment complex this month. We will still be so close to everything that we can do anything we want. We will also be so much close to work now so that will help with gas money and everything else. We will be getting pictures of the new place and will put them up as soon as we can. We will be slowly moving over tho make it easier on us. It will be easier to move over time than all at once. By the time you are done reading this you will be tired of the word will.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Okay so it is true. We are planning on moving to one of the apartments at Alan's work. At first we didn't like the idea of living on site because we have this wonderful house that is in the woods next to the river and a large pond but now we are thinking that it would be good for us.
We are going to be able to go back to school and be a lot closer to everything. We are thinking that by living on site we will be able to help our mother earth by not using as much gas and we will be helping out the company by having someone on site.
Okay but the real reason is to save money and to go back to school. We will be only about five minutes from campus and downtown. Plus it will be a lot cheaper rent and no utilities so double bonus.
Stacy will be going back to school first and after a while Alan will go and get it done. Stacy is looking into Social Work for her major and Anthropology as a minor. Alan is planning on going into nursing. We are thinking that Stacy could be able to graduate with a bachelors in two to three years. Alan would be able to do the RN progam in about the same amount of time. Nothing is set in stone right now until we work out all of the details and logistics of the process but we will keep everyone in the loop and let you all know what the final plans are and when the change will be coming. Until that time nothing is changing.
We are going to be able to go back to school and be a lot closer to everything. We are thinking that by living on site we will be able to help our mother earth by not using as much gas and we will be helping out the company by having someone on site.
Okay but the real reason is to save money and to go back to school. We will be only about five minutes from campus and downtown. Plus it will be a lot cheaper rent and no utilities so double bonus.
Stacy will be going back to school first and after a while Alan will go and get it done. Stacy is looking into Social Work for her major and Anthropology as a minor. Alan is planning on going into nursing. We are thinking that Stacy could be able to graduate with a bachelors in two to three years. Alan would be able to do the RN progam in about the same amount of time. Nothing is set in stone right now until we work out all of the details and logistics of the process but we will keep everyone in the loop and let you all know what the final plans are and when the change will be coming. Until that time nothing is changing.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Oh the Beauty of NATURE
So this has been a very exciting and happening week. On Wednesday we went with Alan's work and residents to watch an Idaho Stampede basketball game. It's not bad getting paid to go on a date night. We got court side seats and ten dollars worth of food each. Why can't we always get paid to do things like that? 

On our way to the store on Saturday we were able to watch as a graceful eagle majestically soared over our heads with a large fish grasped in its large and powerful talons. Shortly after we saw a loving mother goose with her newly hatched baby balls of fluff standing beside the pond along the road way. Later in the day after helping with an alternator problem, we decided to go for a fish. Upon arrival of said pond we watched as a large (ten to fifteen pounds or even larger) grass carp jumped out of the water after some little bugs a few times in a row. We had a couple of visiting fishermen at the pond with us but they were unlucky and did not catch anything. We however were very skilled and were able to fight and prevail over the fish. We caught a total of five before calling it a day. Oh and did I mention that it was all with flyrods and not the traditional spinner rods? 

Our largest prize of the day was a five pound Smallmouth Bass that put up a real good fight and did not want to be caught. He was pulled in and photographed to ensure that everyone is able to see just what we are all about.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Fuzzy Antics
Okay so here are some videos of our little ones.
Slinky loves to climb up on Diesel's back and itch his head. He could probably achieve flight with how fast his tail goes every time she comes near him.
We understand that everyone else might not be as excited about watching three minutes of this . . . but come on. It's cute. This is a larger and older Diesel going nuts over a laser pointer. Like a cat.
Stuff and Things
So we obviously already are WAY better at this blog than the last one . . . right? Anyway, here are some updates on what we've been up to.
Earlier this month we went to the Xtreme Fight Show with a girl I work with. It's not boxing because boxing is boring. It's mixed martial arts which means you can kick, punch, throw down, choke out, grapple, wrestle, throw knees and elbows, slap . . . as long as you don't hit any special areas and keep the action going you are good.

Earlier this month we went to the Xtreme Fight Show with a girl I work with. It's not boxing because boxing is boring. It's mixed martial arts which means you can kick, punch, throw down, choke out, grapple, wrestle, throw knees and elbows, slap . . . as long as you don't hit any special areas and keep the action going you are good.
We saw one guy get completely knocked out within 30 seconds of the first round. There was another fight with a huge comeback. Another guy ruined everything by doing several illegal blows, and the last fight was grapple only which was really cool. I'm pretty sure one of the fighters was just getting a piggy back ride for most of the fight.
Anyway, it was nice to get out and about and enjoy some good old-fashioned mma.
Last night we had to call the cops because we hard a really obnoxious alarm going off. They came buy to check it out. We think someone has been trying to break in to our landlord's property next to our house. They didn't find anything, but we had the gun sitting out for a few hours just in case anything happened. It was a little frightening.
Alan has been really excited about customizing his mosin nagant rifle. He got a scope rail and rings so he can attach that, and he's planning on getting a new stock and other things for it too.

I am looking forward to getting a mountain bike soon so that we can take full advantage of the area we live in and get some good exercise in.
Um . . . I don't know what else to write about now so I will post some pictures.
Anyway, it was nice to get out and about and enjoy some good old-fashioned mma.
Last night we had to call the cops because we hard a really obnoxious alarm going off. They came buy to check it out. We think someone has been trying to break in to our landlord's property next to our house. They didn't find anything, but we had the gun sitting out for a few hours just in case anything happened. It was a little frightening.
Alan has been really excited about customizing his mosin nagant rifle. He got a scope rail and rings so he can attach that, and he's planning on getting a new stock and other things for it too.

I am looking forward to getting a mountain bike soon so that we can take full advantage of the area we live in and get some good exercise in.
Um . . . I don't know what else to write about now so I will post some pictures.
Don't tell Diesel we took this picture . . . we were having too much fun messing with the built in picture frames on my camera. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Tucker always tries to steal the puppy food. He'll grab six little pieces of the kibble and run off with them.
We were making mini-pizzas last night and when I cut open this red pepper there was a baby GREEN pepper inside of it! AHHHH!!! It was actually really juicy and delicious. But freaky.

Alan's new hair cut! He went from a shaved head, to a mohawk, to really long hair with the remnants of a mohawk, to the new fauxhawk.
Alan's new hair cut! He went from a shaved head, to a mohawk, to really long hair with the remnants of a mohawk, to the new fauxhawk.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Updates updates
Okay, so we are hoping to start anew with this blog and actually, you know . . . do it:)
For those of you who don't know Alan and I moved to Idaho last year. We live in a lovely little cottage along the Boise river with our furry family. 2 ferrets named Tucker and Slinky, and our newest addition Diesel who is (we think) a mix between a min-pin, rottweiler, and possibly beagle.
Alan is working at an apartment complex as the maintenance supervisor. I am working at a company called Scentsy in the shipping department. I am hoping to start working at the Idaho Developmental Center soon so that I can actually get paid decently, and have benefits!
This post is starting to sound ridiculously repetitive of our old blog . . .
For those of you who don't know Alan and I moved to Idaho last year. We live in a lovely little cottage along the Boise river with our furry family. 2 ferrets named Tucker and Slinky, and our newest addition Diesel who is (we think) a mix between a min-pin, rottweiler, and possibly beagle.
Alan is working at an apartment complex as the maintenance supervisor. I am working at a company called Scentsy in the shipping department. I am hoping to start working at the Idaho Developmental Center soon so that I can actually get paid decently, and have benefits!
This post is starting to sound ridiculously repetitive of our old blog . . .
Due to technical difficulties and forgeting our passwords and other info, we have changed our blog to blogspot and no longer wordpress. Please make a note of this and direct all future comments to this blog.
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